Black cat with striking green eyes lounging on a soft, yellow bed; background features blurred green and yellow hues.

Apartment-Friendly Cat Breeds: 10 Tips for a Happy Indoor Pet

Looking for the perfect cat breed for apartment living? Discover the best breeds like British Shorthair, Persian, Ragdoll, and more. Learn how to keep your indoor cat happy and thriving in a small space.

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Are you thinking about getting a cat but live in an apartment? Some cat breeds are perfect for small spaces and can be very happy indoors. This article will help you find the best breeds for apartment living and give you tips to keep your indoor cat happy.

Key Takeaways

  • British Shorthairs are calm and easygoing, making them great for apartments.
  • Persians have a gentle nature and love spending time indoors.
  • Ragdolls are known for their affectionate and relaxed personalities.
  • Scottish Folds are friendly and adapt well to apartment living.
  • Sphynx cats are energetic and enjoy being the center of attention.

1. British Shorthair

The British Shorthair is a medium-to-large-sized cat known for its round face and chubby cheeks. These cats are easygoing and adaptable, making them perfect for apartment living. They are not overly demanding for attention but do enjoy the company of their humans and other pets.

  • Quiet and Laid Back: British Shorthairs are a quieter breed, ideal for apartment blocks where noise can be an issue.
  • Intelligent and Playful: They need daily interaction and stimulation, either from you or another cat.
  • Low Maintenance: While they have thick, dense coats, a daily brush will keep shedding under control.
British Shorthairs are a great choice for single people as long as they get enough exercise and interaction. They play well by themselves but also love spending time with their owners.

2. Persian

Persian cats are known for their long, luxurious fur and expressive eyes. They are calm and gentle, making them perfect for indoor living. While their grooming needs are higher than other breeds, their sweet and loving nature makes them a favorite among cat lovers.

Persians are less curious about the world and more tolerant of sharing their space than other cats. They are happy to nap on their own when you go out to work. However, they do need attention and won't thrive if left alone too much.

  • Grooming: You have to brush them frequently to maintain their coat, but this is part of what keeps them so adorable!
  • Personality: They are lazy and relaxed kitties, perfect for a quiet home.
  • Adaptability: They might need a little time to get used to new surroundings but will be happy indoors with your love and attention.
Persians enjoy the quiet comforts of indoor living and make great companions for those who can give them the care they need.

3. Ragdoll

Ragdolls are large, affectionate cats that love to cuddle. They get their name from their tendency to go limp whenever they’re picked up. Their gentle and docile nature makes them ideal indoor companions. They are also great with kids and other pets, as they are patient and social.

These beautiful long-haired cats are loving, clever, and a lover of cuddles with their favorite humans. Ragdoll cats will greet their people when they arrive home and pick up tricks easily with positive reinforcement (and a few treats). These large, long-bodied cats are strikingly beautiful with long, silky coats. Ragdoll cats are a great breed for apartment dwellers seeking a feline friend but they need regular grooming to help keep shedding under control and prevent painful mats and tangles.

The relaxed and calm nature of these fluffy cats makes them well suited to living in an apartment. Ragdolls are real lap cats and will be content living in an apartment as long as they can cozy up to their favorite human.

4. Scottish Fold

The Scottish Fold is easily recognizable by their folded ears, giving them a unique and adorable look. They are affectionate, social, and easygoing, making them great indoor cats. These cats love to play and interact with their humans, so be prepared to spend quality time with your Scottish Fold.

Scottish Folds are active mousers who are playful, expressive, and sensitive. These cats are named for their unique folded ears and have striking, orange-yellow eyes. They're huge fans of people and need attention and companionship from people or other pets. Scottish Folds are also very easygoing with children.

5. Sphynx

Sphynx cats are a unique choice for an indoor pet because they are completely hairless. This breed is known for being incredibly affectionate, intelligent, and social. They often form strong bonds with their humans and love to be around them.

One thing to keep in mind is that Sphynx cats require regular baths and skin care due to their lack of fur. But their loving nature makes it worth the effort.

  • Affectionate: They love to stick by your side or curl up in your lap.
  • Intelligent: They are curious and will greet you at the door.
  • Social: They enjoy interacting with their humans.
Sphynx cats prefer being warm and with their humans to anything else. They are less inclined to explore than other breeds, especially when it’s cold.

6. Burmese

Burmese cats are known for their golden eyes and playful nature. These acrobatic felines are not just athletic but also very outgoing. They love to show off their skills and can provide hours of entertainment. Plus, they shed less than some other breeds, making them easier to groom.

  • Outgoing and Adventurous: Burmese cats are always up for an adventure, making them fun companions.
  • Low Shedding: They shed less, so you won't have to worry too much about fur all over your apartment.
  • Easy Grooming: A simple weekly brushing is usually enough to keep their coat in good shape.
Burmese cats are perfect for those who want an active and engaging pet. They are not just pets; they are family members who love to interact and play.

7. Russian Blue

The Russian Blue is a graceful and smart cat with a soft, silvery-blue coat. These cats are often seen as "reserved," but they form strong bonds with their families. While they might be shy around strangers, they are very loving with those they know well.

Russian Blues are perfect for indoor living because they love a quiet and stable environment. They are calm and a bit withdrawn, making them great companions for a cozy and peaceful apartment.

  • Affectionate but Independent: Russian Blues are affectionate but also independent enough to be left alone during the day. They enjoy playtime when you get home.
  • Low Maintenance: Their plush blue coat requires very little grooming.
  • Moderate Activity: They are moderately active and enjoy playing, making them a fun yet relaxed pet.
Russian Blues are ideal for working singles or families who appreciate a calm and loving pet.

8. Siamese

Siamese cats are known for their striking blue eyes and slender bodies. They are intelligent, curious, and enjoy being part of the family. This breed is quite vocal, so be prepared for chatty conversations with your Siamese. Their desire for interaction and play makes them excellent indoor cats.

Siamese cats are one of the low-maintenance cat breeds for small spaces. They are playful and known for following their owners around the house 'chatting' with them. This isn't the breed for you if you're out of the house a lot, since they are very social creatures and need lots of companionship.

9. Maine Coon

Maine Coons are one of the larger domestic cat breeds, but don't let their size fool you. These gentle giants are perfectly suited for apartment living. Their gentle and tolerant nature makes them happy to live anywhere as long as they are with their favorite human. However, they do need frequent playtime and attention to stay happy.

  • Great with kids: Maine Coons are known for their placid and curious nature, making them fantastic with children.
  • Animal health: Regular check-ups are essential to keep your Maine Coon in top shape.
  • Playtime: These cats love interactive toys and games to keep their minds and bodies active.
Maine Coons are not just pets; they are family members who thrive on love and attention. Make sure to provide them with a stimulating environment to keep them happy and healthy.

10. Bengal

Bengal cats are known for their wild appearance and energetic nature. They have a unique coat that resembles a leopard's, making them stand out in any room. Despite their wild looks, Bengals are affectionate and love to play.

  • Energetic and Playful: Bengals need plenty of playtime to stay happy. Interactive toys and climbing structures are great for keeping them entertained.
  • Affectionate: These cats enjoy spending time with their humans and can be quite loving.
  • Intelligent: Bengals are smart and can be trained to do tricks or even walk on a leash.
Bengals are not just pets; they are family members who need attention and care. Make sure to have a plan for pet urgent care in case of emergencies.

If you have a Bengal, be prepared for a lively and engaging companion. They thrive in environments where they can explore and play, so make sure your home is ready for their adventurous spirit.


Choosing the right cat breed for apartment living can make a big difference in your pet's happiness and well-being. By following the tips we've shared, you can create a comfortable and stimulating environment for your indoor cat. Remember, every cat is unique, so take the time to understand your pet's needs and preferences. With a little effort and love, you can ensure your feline friend thrives in your apartment, providing you with companionship and joy for many years to come.

Our Summary for you

Frequently Asked Questions

Are British Shorthair cats good for apartments?

Yes, British Shorthair cats are great for apartments. They are calm, friendly, and adapt well to indoor living.

Do Persian cats need a lot of grooming?

Yes, Persian cats require regular grooming because of their long fur. It's important to brush them frequently to keep their coat clean and tangle-free.

Are Ragdoll cats friendly?

Ragdoll cats are known for their friendly and affectionate nature. They love being around people and are great indoor pets.

Do Scottish Fold cats have any special needs?

Scottish Fold cats don't have many special needs, but their folded ears should be checked regularly for infections. They are otherwise low-maintenance and adapt well to apartment living.

Are Sphynx cats completely hairless?

Yes, Sphynx cats are hairless. They have a unique look and require regular bathing to keep their skin clean.

Do Maine Coon cats do well in apartments?

Maine Coon cats can live in apartments, but they need plenty of space to move around. They are large and active, so make sure to provide enough stimulation and playtime.

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