Blue-eyed cat lies on its back on a polished wooden floor, looking directly at the camera with its legs up.

Best Cat Breeds for Compact Living: Tips for Apartment Dwellers

Discover the best cat breeds for apartment living! From the adaptable American Shorthair to the affectionate Ragdoll, find the perfect feline friend for your compact space. Learn about their personalities, care tips, and how to keep them entertained.

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Living in a small apartment doesn't mean you can't have a cat. Many breeds are well-suited for compact living and can be happy with the right care. If you're thinking about getting a cat for your small space, here are some of the best breeds to consider.

Key Takeaways

  • American Shorthairs are adaptable and easygoing, making them great for small spaces.
  • Burmese cats are friendly and social, perfect for apartment dwellers who want a cuddly companion.
  • Siamese cats are talkative and active but can be happy in an apartment with enough stimulation.
  • Maine Coons are large but gentle, and they can adapt to smaller homes if given enough attention.
  • Ragdolls are calm and affectionate, making them ideal for compact living.

1. American Shorthair

The American Shorthair is a fantastic choice for apartment living. These cats are known for their calm and adaptable nature, making them perfect for smaller spaces. They have a compact build with round faces and short ears, so they don't need much room to stretch out.


American Shorthairs are friendly and sociable, yet they respect your space. They get along well with children and other pets, making them a great family cat. Their easygoing temperament means they can entertain themselves with toys or by watching the world outside the window.

Care Tips

  • Animal Behavior: These cats are generally low-maintenance but do appreciate some playtime and interaction.
  • Animal Training: They are smart and can be trained to follow simple commands or use a scratching post instead of your furniture.
  • Animal Health: Regular vet check-ups are essential to keep them healthy. They are generally robust but can be prone to common feline issues.
  • Pet Urgent Care: Always have a plan for emergencies. Know the nearest pet urgent care center just in case.
American Shorthairs are a well-rounded, low-maintenance breed that fits perfectly into apartment living. They are happy to lounge around but also enjoy interactive play.

2. Burmese

The Burmese cat is a fantastic choice for apartment living. These cats are known for their sweet and cuddly nature. They love being around people and other pets, so they won't feel lonely as long as they have company. Burmese cats are also quite athletic and enjoy having cat trees or other spots where they can jump and play. As long as they get enough attention, the size of your home won't be an issue.

Burmese cats are typically quiet, with soft, gentle voices that they don't use too much. This makes them a great option if you're worried about noise in your apartment. They are more likely to have a conversation with you than to be disruptive, which is a nice trait in a smaller space.

Key Characteristics

  • Average weight: 8 to 15 pounds
  • Average height: 9 to 13 inches
  • Personality: Sociable, playful

These beautiful, short-coated cats with big eyes can win over even the biggest dog lovers. Their sweet nature, playfulness, and ability to play games like fetch and tag make them a joy to have around. Burmese cats don't need a lot of space and will find entertainment in your daily activities.

Burmese cats are sociable sweethearts who crave human company. They love being involved in their owners' daily lives but aren't overly demanding. If you're busy and live in a small apartment, a Burmese cat could be the perfect fit.

3. Siamese

Looking for a small cat with a big personality? The Siamese is known for its playful, “doglike” nature, making it a popular choice for apartment living. These cats are usually on the smaller side, weighing around 10 pounds.


Siamese cats are chatty and full of energy. They have a light coat with dark points and are very affectionate. Their vocal nature can be a bit much if you have thin walls, so keep that in mind.

Social Needs

These cats are very social and will be happy living with another cat, especially if you’re at work all day. They need toys to play with and enough space to explore.

Siamese cats are a breed that thrives in apartment living, but their vocal nature can be a double-edged sword. If your neighbors aren’t fans of frequent feline conversations, a Siamese might be a tricky fit.

Activity Level

Siamese cats have a moderate to high activity level. They need mental and physical stimulation, but they’re also highly intelligent. Puzzle toys and interactive games can keep them entertained even in a small space.

4. Maine Coon

Maine Coons might be big, but they are gentle giants who fit well in apartments. These cats are known for their friendly and social nature. They love hanging out with their humans and get along well with kids and other pets.

  • Average weight: 8 to 18 pounds
  • Average height: 10 to 16 inches
  • Personality: Social

Even though they are large, Maine Coons are not demanding. They can entertain themselves if you provide enough toys. This makes them great for apartment living, especially if you have a busy lifestyle.

Maine Coons are perfect for those who want a big, friendly cat that doesn't need constant attention.

5. Ragdoll

Ragdolls are perfect for apartment living, especially if you love a good snuggle. These cats are known for their puppy-like devotion and will follow you around like a fluffy shadow. They have striking blue eyes and a soft, semi-long coat that requires regular brushing to keep it clean and mat-free.

  • Weight: 10-20 pounds
  • Height: 9-11 inches
  • Personality: Gentle and affectionate

Ragdolls are gentle giants who are super sociable and ultra-affectionate. They love to curl up in your lap for a good pat down and some always welcomed cuddles. Their laid-back nature makes them one of the best cats for apartments, especially for those who spend a lot of time at home.

Ragdolls are named for their tendency to go limp with relaxation when held – like a ragdoll! Perfect for an apartment cuddle session after a long day.

While they are low-maintenance in terms of activity, they do need moderate pet grooming to keep their fluffy coat in top shape. If you're looking for a cat that combines beauty, affection, and a relaxed demeanor, the Ragdoll is an excellent choice for compact living.

6. Scottish Fold

The Scottish Fold is a mellow, easygoing, and affectionate breed that adapts well to any environment. Known for its distinctive folded ears that lie close to the head, this breed is perfect for apartment living. They don't need much room to be happy as long as they're by their favorite people. However, make sure to have plenty of toys in your space for mental stimulation.

Scottish Folds come in both longhair and shorthair varieties, both having a thick coat. They are known to shed frequently, so regular grooming is necessary to keep their coat in good condition. Despite their moderate grooming needs, their affectionate nature makes it all worth it.

  • Average weight: 6 to 14 pounds
  • Average height: 8 to 10 inches
  • Lifespan: 12-15 years
  • Activity Level: Moderate
  • Noise Level: Low
  • Sociability: High
  • Good with Children? Yes
  • Good with Other Pets? Yes
Scottish Folds were discovered in 1961 in Scotland. It all started with a cat with a gene mutation that causes folded ears. Besides their trademark ears, Scottish Folds are also known for their round heads and eyes. They have an interactive nature and need toys that provide mental stimulation. If you need to leave them alone during the day, they’ll appreciate another pet to keep them company.

7. Russian Blue

The Russian Blue is a fantastic choice for apartment living. These cats are known for their calm and affectionate nature, making them perfect companions in smaller spaces. Their iconic grey-blue coats give them a unique look, and their yellow-green eyes are simply mesmerizing.


Russian Blues are gentle and sweet. They greet their owners with a soft meow and are usually quite affectionate. While they may be a bit shy around strangers, they love to cuddle with their family members. They are naturally curious and enjoy playing, but they aren't overly energetic, which is great for apartment life.

Size and Appearance

These cats typically weigh between 7 and 12 pounds and stand about 8 to 10 inches tall. Their thick double coat makes them appear larger than they actually are. Despite their plush appearance, they are an average-sized house cat.

Living with a Russian Blue

Russian Blues are content to spend part of the day alone, often resting in a sunny spot. They are not particularly noisy, which is a plus for apartment dwellers. Their grooming needs are low, thanks to their short coat, which requires minimal maintenance.

If you're looking for a calm, affectionate, and low-maintenance cat, the Russian Blue might be the perfect fit for your apartment.

8. British Shorthair

The British Shorthair is a fantastic choice for apartment living. These cats are known for their laid-back and friendly nature, making them perfect for smaller spaces. They usually prefer lounging around rather than racing through the house, which is ideal for compact living.

Physical Characteristics

  • Weight: 7 to 17 pounds
  • Height: 12 to 14 inches
  • Coat: Dense, plush, and can come in various colors like gray-blue, tortoiseshell, bicolor, and calico
  • Eyes: Blue, oval-shaped

Personality Traits

British Shorthairs are generally quiet and easygoing. They are not big fans of being lap cats or getting too many cuddles, but they will happily curl up next to you, waiting for an occasional affectionate rub. They are also good with children, making them a great family pet.

British Shorthairs are adaptable and can thrive in an apartment setting. They enjoy interactive play sessions but won't be zooming around your apartment at all hours.

Tips for Apartment Dwellers

  • Interactive Play: Keep them entertained with toys and interactive play sessions.
  • Lounging Spots: Provide cozy spots for them to lounge and watch the world go by.
  • Child-Friendly: Their easygoing nature makes them suitable for homes with small children.

With their adaptable and friendly nature, British Shorthairs can transform small living spaces into a cozy home for both you and your feline friend.

9. Persian

Persian cats are famous for their adorable flat faces, luxurious fur, and cute button noses. They have a sweet, quiet, and calm temperament, making them perfect for apartment living. These cats love their families, including kids, and enjoy sitting on your lap. They are also content being left alone during the day and thrive as indoor pets.

Why Persians Are Great for Apartments

  • Calm Nature: Persians are known for their relaxed and serene demeanor. They are happy to lounge on any soft surface, especially your lap.
  • Low Activity: These cats are not big on climbing or jumping, making them ideal for small spaces.
  • Affectionate: While they enjoy the company of their favorite humans, they are also fine spending some time alone.

Important Considerations

  • Indoor Pets: Persians should be kept indoors as they are prone to heat stroke due to their flat faces.
  • Grooming Needs: Their luxurious fur requires regular grooming to keep it in top condition.
Persians are perfect for those who value tranquility and a slower pace of life. Despite their grooming needs, their calm nature and minimal exercise requirements make them excellent apartment cats.

10. Sphynx

The Sphynx is a standout with its hairless look and peach-fuzz skin. Weighing between 6 to 10 pounds, these small, slender cats are perfect for apartment living. They are known for being vocal, lively, and affectionate, making them great companions.

Unique Grooming Needs

Even though they lack fur, Sphynx cats need regular grooming. Their skin produces excess oils, so you'll need to give them frequent baths and use daily moisturizers. A quick wipe-down with a baby wipe every few days can also help keep their skin clean.

High Energy Levels

These cats are full of energy and love to play. They can handle being alone while you're at work, but they prefer having someone around more often. Make sure to provide plenty of toys and activities to keep them entertained.

Sphynx cats need special care for their skin, including frequent baths and daily moisturizers. They also benefit from daily sunblock to protect their sensitive skin.

Health Considerations

Sphynx cats may be more prone to heart issues like hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM). Regular vet check-ups are essential to keep them healthy.


Choosing the right cat breed for apartment living can make a big difference in both your life and your pet's. It's important to consider factors like temperament, energy levels, and grooming needs. Some cats are more adaptable and can thrive in smaller spaces, while others may need more room to roam. By doing your research and selecting a breed that fits your lifestyle, you can create a happy and healthy environment for your feline friend. Remember, every cat is unique, so take the time to get to know your pet and provide the care and attention they need to flourish in your compact living space.

Our Summary for you

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the best cat breeds for apartment living?

Some of the best cat breeds for apartment living include American Shorthair, Burmese, Siamese, Maine Coon, Ragdoll, Scottish Fold, Russian Blue, British Shorthair, Persian, and Sphynx. These breeds are known for their adaptable and easygoing nature.

How can I keep my apartment cat entertained?

To keep your apartment cat entertained, provide plenty of toys, scratching posts, and climbing spaces. Interactive playtime and puzzle feeders can also help keep your cat mentally and physically stimulated.

Do all cats do well in small living spaces?

Not all cats thrive in small living spaces. It depends on the cat's temperament and energy level. Some cats may need more room to roam and explore, while others are perfectly content in a smaller environment.

Are there any cat breeds that are not suitable for apartments?

Yes, some cat breeds may not be ideal for apartment living due to their high energy levels, need for outdoor access, or specific care requirements. It's important to research and choose a breed that matches your living situation.

How often should I play with my apartment cat?

You should aim to play with your apartment cat for at least 15-30 minutes a day. Regular playtime helps keep your cat active and prevents boredom.

What should I consider when choosing a cat for my apartment?

When choosing a cat for your apartment, consider factors like the cat's energy level, temperament, grooming needs, and any specific care requirements. Make sure the breed you choose can adapt well to small living spaces.

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