Tabby cat with striking green eyes lounging on a dark-colored couch, gazing intently ahead.

Family-Friendly Cat Breeds: Top Choices for Homes with Kids

Discover the best cat breeds for families with kids! From the gentle Ragdoll to the playful Abyssinian, find the perfect feline friend to bring joy and companionship to your home. Explore our top picks and make an informed choice for your family.

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Bringing a cat into a home with kids can be a delightful experience. Cats are known for their gentle nature and playful personalities, making them great companions for children. However, not all cat breeds are equally suited for families. Some breeds are more tolerant and affectionate, which is important when there are little ones around. In this article, we'll explore the top cat breeds that are perfect for homes with kids. Let's dive in and find the ideal feline friend for your family.

Key Takeaways

  • Ragdolls are known for their calm and affectionate nature, making them great with kids.
  • Maine Coons are large but gentle cats that enjoy playing and are very friendly.
  • Siamese cats are social and love to interact with family members, including children.
  • Abyssinians are active and playful, making them a good match for energetic kids.
  • British Shorthairs are easygoing and patient, perfect for a household with children.


Ragdolls are known for their gentle and laid-back nature, making them perfect for families with kids. These cats are medium to large in size and have beautiful blue eyes. They are also known for their soft, semi-long fur and striking point markings, which can come in various patterns.

One of the most charming traits of Ragdolls is their tendency to go limp when picked up, just like a ragdoll! This makes them great cuddle buddies. They are very affectionate and love to be held and petted. Ragdolls are also quite intelligent and can be easily trained to follow simple commands.

  • Size: Medium to large
  • Eyes: Blue
  • Fur: Semi-long, soft
  • Personality: Gentle, laid-back, affectionate
Ragdolls are slow to mature, reaching their full coat and color at around three years old. But the wait is worth it for such a loving and beautiful companion.

If you're looking for a cat that gets along well with children and enjoys being part of the family, a Ragdoll might be the perfect choice for you.

Maine Coon

The Maine Coon is often called the "gentle giant" of the cat world. These cats are known for their large size and even larger hearts. They love being around people but aren't overly dependent, making them a great fit for families with kids.

Maine Coons are very tolerant and can easily adapt to the needs of children. They form strong bonds with their owners and get along well with other pets, including dogs. Their playful nature and kitten-like personalities stick with them even as they grow older.

One thing to keep in mind is their thick, shaggy coat. It requires regular grooming, at least once a week, to keep it from matting. While they are high maintenance in this regard, their affectionate and playful nature makes it all worth it.

Maine Coons are solid and rugged, able to endure harsh climates. Their balanced appearance and adaptability make them a favorite among cat lovers.

If you're looking for a cat that will shower your family with love and attention, the Maine Coon is a fantastic choice.


Siamese cats are the chatty, social butterflies of the feline world. With their striking blue eyes and talkative nature, they love being at the center of attention. They’re playful and loyal, making them part of your everyday family adventures.

Siamese cats love to enjoy human company, and are regarded as one of the best breeds for families with children. Siamese cats and kids can be best friends for life.

Siameses have a reputation for being popular family cats. These cats are both charming in appearance and personality, and they quickly become a central part of the family. Siameses may take some time to settle down, so it’s important to teach children how to interact with new cats respectfully. However, once a Siamese gets comfortable, they develop strong bonds with people.

Siameses are also playful and can be quite entertaining. Some can be fairly vocal and enjoy having “conversations” with people. So they can be fun and attentive companions for kids.


Life with an Abyssinian is never boring. These cats are highly energetic, charmingly entertaining, and insatiably curious. They are always on the move, unless it’s time to eat or sleep. Abyssinians, often called “Aby-silly-ans,” are natural athletes that aren’t afraid of heights. Affectionate, loyal, and people-oriented, this breed is best suited for families with children ages 6 and up.

Abyssinians are smart, active, and curious. They’re also friendly and playful, so they’re often good playmates for children with playful energy. You may even catch an Abyssinian in a cute conversation with a child because they can be vocal and enjoy “talking” to people.

The Abyssinian is often a colorful cat with a distinctly ticked coat, medium in size and regal in appearance; lithe, hard and muscular, showing eager activity and lively interest in their surroundings. They are often well balanced temperamentally and physically.

Originally from Ethiopia (which was called Abyssinia back in the day), the Abyssinian is one of the oldest cat breeds in the world. It has an intelligent, playful, and curious temperament. Always up for an adventure, it likes to explore its surroundings and will join in whatever’s happening in its vicinity. It’s not much of a cuddler, but this breed is affectionate and loyal, getting along with kids and other pets.

Active, intelligent, loyal, and people-oriented, Abyssinian cats are great fits for families with older kids (they may opt to bolt away from toddlers and babies). They're master manipulators when it comes to humans, and they'll likely have you and your family wrapped around their little fingers, er, paws. As much as Abyssinians like to be around people, though, they're not lap cats as much as outside observers.


The Birman is a delightful cat breed that has been a beloved companion for centuries. These cats are known for their easygoing and gentle nature, making them perfect for families with kids. They form strong bonds with their human families and are quite adaptable to different living environments.

Birmans are social creatures who get along well with other pets in the home. They are active and playful but know when to calm down, especially when their human companions are busy. This makes them a great fit for busy households.

One of the standout features of Birmans is their intelligence, which makes them receptive to training. They are gentle, patient, and loving, qualities that make them an excellent choice for families with children.

  • Easygoing and gentle: Perfect for families with kids.
  • Social and adaptable: Get along well with other pets.
  • Intelligent and trainable: Receptive to training.
Birmans are a wonderful choice for families looking for a loving and gentle pet. Their easygoing nature and adaptability make them a joy to have around the house.

When considering a Birman, it's important to think about animal rights and animal protection. Always choose to adopt from reputable breeders or shelters to ensure the well-being of these lovely cats.


Burmese cats are extremely people-oriented and sweet-natured. They crave close contact with their human companions, often serving as lap warmers and wowing you with their amusing antics. With an almost doglike personality, Burmese cats are playful and easygoing, making them perfect for families with kids. Their frisky, mischievous demeanor extends well into adulthood, ensuring they remain engaging playmates for years to come.

Burmese cats are friendly and outgoing, fitting in well with active families. They enjoy being part of the action and often become loyal family members. Because they are so social, Burmese cats don't like being alone for long hours. They love playing with people, following them around from room to room, and taking naps together.

  • Height: 10 to 12 inches
  • Weight: 6 to 14 pounds
  • Life expectancy: 16 to 18 years
  • Energy level: High
Burmese cats are affectionate and love attention so much that they'll never leave your side. Whether you're doing chores, cooking a meal, or watching TV, they'll be right there with you.

If you ever find yourself needing pet urgent care, Burmese cats are known to adapt well to different situations, making them easier to handle in stressful times.

British Shorthair

The British Shorthair is a fantastic choice for families with kids. This breed is known for its laid-back personality, making it perfect for busy homes. Whether you live in an apartment or a house, this cat adapts well to any environment.


British Shorthairs are friendly and loyal. They are unbothered by loud noises or chaotic activity, taking everything in stride. This makes them great companions for children and other pets.


One of the best things about British Shorthairs is that they are low-maintenance. Their short, fluffy coat requires minimal grooming. However, they do shed moderately, so a bit of brushing now and then will help keep the fur situation under control.

Living Conditions

These cats are happy both indoors and outdoors, as long as they have enough entertainment. If you decide to let them outside, make sure it's in a secure cat garden or enclosure to keep them safe.

British Shorthairs strike a good balance between being social and independent. They are affectionate but not needy, making them a perfect fit for families.

Lifespan and Weight

  • Weight: 7–17 pounds
  • Lifespan: 12–16 years

In summary, the British Shorthair is a well-rounded, easygoing cat that fits perfectly into family life. Its friendly nature and low-maintenance care make it an excellent choice for homes with kids.

Scottish Fold

The Scottish Fold is one of the top 10 cat breeds that stands out with its unique folded ears, giving it an adorable, owl-like look. These cats are known for their sweet and easygoing nature, making them perfect for families with kids. They are friendly and affectionate, not just with their owners but also with other pets.

Personality and Adaptability

Scottish Folds are incredibly patient and can handle the attention and affection that children often give. They adapt well to different living environments, whether it's a bustling city apartment or a quiet suburban home. If you're out of the house a lot, consider getting another pet to keep your Scottish Fold company, as they can get lonely.

Grooming Needs

With a short, dense coat, Scottish Folds shed moderately. Regular pet grooming is essential to keep their fur in good condition and to prevent hairballs. A weekly brushing session should suffice.

Scottish Folds are not hypoallergenic, so they may not be the best choice for families with allergies.

Lifespan and Health

These cats typically weigh between 6–14 pounds and have a lifespan of 11–14 years. Because they are a rare breed, it's crucial to buy from a reputable breeder to ensure you're getting a healthy kitten.


Persians are a favorite among families because of their unique looks and calm nature. They love being around people and have enough energy to play with kids. These cats enjoy a set routine, which makes them a good fit for homes where children know how to treat pets gently.

Persians are medium to large in size and have a round, flat face that looks like a pansy. Their long, thick coat comes in many colors, including blue, black, white, and more. They are sweet and calm, making them great companions for kids who are respectful.

  • Weight: About 7 to 12 pounds
  • Length: About 14 to 17 inches
  • Personality: Sweet, gentle, and affectionate
  • Coat Length: Long and thick
  • Coat Colors: Solid, silver, golden, shaded, and more
Persians are not too needy but also not too distant. They offer a nice mix of gentle love and relaxed independence, making them easygoing pets for busy families.

American Shorthair

The American Shorthair is a fantastic choice for families with kids. These cats are known for their adaptable nature and can easily fit into any home environment. They form strong bonds with their families and are both gentle and playful. While they enjoy being around their family members, they are not overly needy and are content just being in the same room with their favorite people.

One of the best things about American Shorthairs is their sociable and high-energy personality. They are quiet but friendly and love being around children. These cats can even get along with dogs, making them a perfect choice for a multi-pet household. Plus, they are easy to care for and have great animal health, often living long lives that can exceed 20 years.

American Shorthairs are affectionate but independent. They can keep themselves entertained and are gentle around children, making them ideal pets for families. However, they don't like being carried and will sit on your lap only when they feel like it. This breed is independent that way.

If you're looking for a low-maintenance, friendly, and adaptable cat, the American Shorthair is a great option. They are perfect for families and can bring joy and companionship for many years.


Choosing the right cat breed for your family can make a big difference in how well your new pet fits into your home. Cats can be great companions for kids, offering both love and entertainment. By considering the unique traits of each breed, you can find a cat that will be a perfect match for your family's lifestyle. Remember, every cat is different, so take the time to get to know your new furry friend. With the right choice, your family will enjoy many happy years with your new feline companion.

Our Summary for you

Frequently Asked Questions

What makes Ragdoll cats good for families with kids?

Ragdoll cats are known for their calm and gentle nature. They are very affectionate and enjoy being around people, making them perfect for families with children.

Are Maine Coon cats friendly towards children?

Yes, Maine Coon cats are very friendly and good-natured. They are also known for their playful and gentle behavior, which makes them great companions for kids.

Do Siamese cats get along well with kids?

Siamese cats are very social and love to interact with people, including children. They are also very playful, which can be a lot of fun for kids.

Are Abyssinian cats a good choice for families with children?

Abyssinian cats are very active and playful, making them a great choice for families with kids. They love to explore and engage in activities, which can keep children entertained.

What makes Birman cats suitable for homes with kids?

Birman cats are known for their gentle and loving nature. They are very patient and tolerant, which makes them ideal for families with young children.

Are British Shorthair cats good with children?

Yes, British Shorthair cats are very calm and easygoing. They are also very affectionate and enjoy spending time with their family, including children.

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